Monday, February 16, 2009

Things I miss from Sardis

There are things I miss from being a pastor. It's been just over a year and half since I was behind the pulpit. There are many things I miss....especially preaching. I miss sharing-showing-shouting the Truth. But there are things I specifically miss from Sardis.
It's interesting when I sit and start writing them out. I do my best to put all of Sardis behind me, but it was not all bad (and I knew that all along). It's just when I start thinking about the things I miss, the things I don't miss start to surface also.
I miss making bread for communion. The first time I did this was awesome. I got up extra early and got the bread started in the bread-maker 3 hours before service started. I put it up in the choir loft where no one could see it. When people came in for Sunday School they started looking thru the kitchen (at the other end of the building) trying to figure out where that "amazing smell" was coming from. I was asked one time why I used bread with yeast for communion. I replied "because Christ has risen!"
I miss Little Mike. Although he wasn't little back then but compared to his dad he was. Little Mike had Downs. He loved God and loved people with all his heart. If you want a picture of true worship, he is it. His prayers were just conversations with God, his buddy. Little Mike could always bring a smile to my face every time I saw him. He jumped up to help every time he could. He harassed his sister like any big brother should. Many crowns will be waiting for him in heaven.
I miss Edna and her stories. The first time I went to see Edna I was there 4 HOURS. Then every other time I was there for a long time and heard the same stories over and over. However, that was her life. She missed John (her deceased husband) very much and wanted nothing more to be with him in heaven. She was a truly caring person.
I miss Bill showing up for leftovers. Back when I had time to cook, there were always leftovers, and they almost always went to the same place....straight to Bill. He would leave the airport and come straight over to the parsonage. That was perfectly fine with us.
I miss talking theology with Richard Smotts. Richard was a spiritual man I will always look up to and pray I can one day come close to his righteousness. A week before we moved, he put his hand on my shoulder and prayed a blessing over me I will never forget.
I miss talking sex with Doyle and Cindy. Funny story, but I won't describe it here.
I miss Brian. I would go to Sears and between customer he would share his struggles with God, family, spirituality. I see God working on him to just let it all go and give it over to God, but he struggled with that submission.
I miss sharing the Truth to many people at one time. I miss the light bulbs going on over the head and reading faces that "get it".
I miss keeping Dan awake during my sermons. Not too long after I started, Dan said "I can't sleep during your sermons because I never know where you will be." He and Ann are great. Ann has a true heart for kids.
I miss talking to people about God who would never come to church, but would get into discussion with me because I was a "pastor". One guy has "heard it all", but he kept seeking more. That is the Holy Spirit working.
I miss talking to Arthur Sweeney about God and seeking the struggle to believe in his eyes. That couple could be poster-children for many couples going to church today.
I really miss sitting in the dark sanctuary at midnight with just the candles lit. I miss praying and feeling the Holy Spirit move inside while the demons move outside.

I was at Sardis for a season. I thought the season would be longer, but it wasn't. One pastor told me I would be there for my 3 years and move on. I planned on being there for 8 years and seeing God work some great miracles. How do you get God to laugh? Tell him your plans.
The season has changed but my call has not. Where God sits me next is where I will go. There are other things I miss from Sardis I am sure, but this is a good list to start with.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Advertising and being on TV

I"ve had a couple thoughts lately. The first one is that advertising agencies don't actually watch or listen to their ads before sending them out. I think they get the money from the client, throw something together fast (because fast means good), and everyone is happy. But when you listen to some of the ads and start to think about them, they don't make sense.
For Example:
There is an ad on the radio for a eye doctor who does "crystal lense" (whatever that is) instead of lasik on eyes. The ad goes like this: "Hi. I'm Pat Summerall. Do you have over 40 eyes?"
So let me stop right there. I have 2 eyes. All the kids I went to school with have 2 eyes. Everyone in my family have 2 eyes. When did the aliens with over 40 eyes, or even those with 3-39 eyes, get to earth and how have them been hidden all this time? I don't think those huge ugly sunglasses Paris Hilton wears would cover 10 eyes much less 40.
Here is one more. The ad goes like this: "Men, do you urinate frequently? Or do you wake up to urinate?" Ok I will admit that when I was a baby I might have "urinated" while I was asleep. But this ad is targeted to "MEN". Now we men don't sit around talking about urinating in bed, but if I took a poll (I won't), all the men I know do wake up to urinate.

Since I am on the subject of media, under no circumstance should you or anyone you know who is not a professional media personality (and many of them also) talk to the media if they come to ask your opinion on something. Let me repeat, DO NOT TALK TO THE REPORTER. YOU WILL LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT.
I will give you a fictious example and a couple real ones. See if you can figure out which is not real.
1. The police are handcuffing a family in a quiet neighborhood and taking them to jail. The reporter goes to the nieghbor who is standing outside watching to ask a few questions.
reporter "How long have you known Mr. Jones?"
neighbor "About 5 years now. Our kids have played and grown up together. What happened?"
reporter "It's believed Mr. Jones and his family are cannibals and have killed and eaten on average 3 politians a month. No one noticed they were gone until someone realized they were being told the truth when they asked a question."
neighbor "What?!? Cannibals? That's impossible. The Jones' were a great family. In fact, we were just over last week. Bob grilled up some great steaks. They were to-die for. I can't believe they were cannibals."

2. In a suburb of DFW, there is a controversy raging about red light cameras. This one specific camera is catching people turning right on red. They slow down, cross the white line so they can see oncoming traffic, stop, and then turn if it's clear. They get a ticket because they crossed the white line. During the filming of this TV report, one lady stopped and made this comment, "Oh yeah this red light camera is terrible. I mean I must have gotten at least 6 or 7 tickets in the past month because of it."

And last but not least.....


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