June 25 sermon Mark 4:35-41
A pastor is walking down the street one day when he notices a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. However, the boy is very small and the doorbell is too high for him to reach.
After watching the boys efforts for some time, the pastor moves closer to the boy's position. He steps smartly across the street, walks up behind the little fellow and, placing his hand kindly on the child's shoulder leans over and gives the doorbell a solid ring.
Crouching down to the child's level, the pastor smiles benevolently and asks, "And now what, my little man?" To which the boy replies, "Now we run!"
When you are on top of the world, everyone wants to be near you. You have friends everywhere. Jesus is no exception to that rule. The disciples took him in the boat “as he was”. He was tired. He was exhausted. No more talking. Many boats followed.
Why would these boats follow along? I believe it’s because we have a desire to be part of something bigger than us. We get up in the morning, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, come home, watch some TV, go to bed, start it all again the next day.
But someone comes along who talks with authority, who gives insight into our lives. He tells the everyday truth that many of us know, but the way he tells it.
It’s so compelling. You want to sit at his feet and listen all day. He can dig deep into these everyday occurances like planting and harvesting and giving. His stories are profound and interesting and you can’t get enough.
Do you have an aunt or uncle that is a great story teller?? I remember an Andy Griffith show one time where Opie and the other boys in his class didn’t like history. They thought it was boring. So they went to see Opie’s dad. It was lost in translation, but what the boys heard was that they didn’t need to take history.
Oh the controversy began. The teacher came and gave him a piece of her mind. Really bad communication. But instead of scolding the boys and forcing them back to class, Andy did something different.
He shaped and molded their thinking a bit. He told them the story of Paul Revere and all about the guns, and cannons, and horses. The fighting, sneaking around, mystery and intrigue.
The boys didn’t have to be told what to do. They wanted to learn more about history. They were compelled to search for more.
Well, Jesus was a great story teller. These people in the boat wanted to stay with him. They wanted to be a part of this thing and see where it went. So they follow along in their own boats.
But how fast do they disappear when the storm comes along. We don’t hear anything else about them.
At the end of our scripture reading, Jesus’s boat was the only one that came ashore. Fairweather friends.
It sounds….well it sounds kind of like the Dallas Cowboys doesn’t it.
Tom Landry is coach and they have tons of fans. When Tom is gone, many fans fall off. But oh Jimmy Johnson is there and winning and “The Boys” are America’s team, world champions.
But you don’t hear much about the Cowboys right now. The Mavs are a favorite.
A pastor is walking down the street one day when he notices a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. However, the boy is very small and the doorbell is too high for him to reach.
After watching the boys efforts for some time, the pastor moves closer to the boy's position. He steps smartly across the street, walks up behind the little fellow and, placing his hand kindly on the child's shoulder leans over and gives the doorbell a solid ring.
Crouching down to the child's level, the pastor smiles benevolently and asks, "And now what, my little man?" To which the boy replies, "Now we run!"
When you are on top of the world, everyone wants to be near you. You have friends everywhere. Jesus is no exception to that rule. The disciples took him in the boat “as he was”. He was tired. He was exhausted. No more talking. Many boats followed.
Why would these boats follow along? I believe it’s because we have a desire to be part of something bigger than us. We get up in the morning, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, come home, watch some TV, go to bed, start it all again the next day.
But someone comes along who talks with authority, who gives insight into our lives. He tells the everyday truth that many of us know, but the way he tells it.
It’s so compelling. You want to sit at his feet and listen all day. He can dig deep into these everyday occurances like planting and harvesting and giving. His stories are profound and interesting and you can’t get enough.
Do you have an aunt or uncle that is a great story teller?? I remember an Andy Griffith show one time where Opie and the other boys in his class didn’t like history. They thought it was boring. So they went to see Opie’s dad. It was lost in translation, but what the boys heard was that they didn’t need to take history.
Oh the controversy began. The teacher came and gave him a piece of her mind. Really bad communication. But instead of scolding the boys and forcing them back to class, Andy did something different.
He shaped and molded their thinking a bit. He told them the story of Paul Revere and all about the guns, and cannons, and horses. The fighting, sneaking around, mystery and intrigue.
The boys didn’t have to be told what to do. They wanted to learn more about history. They were compelled to search for more.
Well, Jesus was a great story teller. These people in the boat wanted to stay with him. They wanted to be a part of this thing and see where it went. So they follow along in their own boats.
But how fast do they disappear when the storm comes along. We don’t hear anything else about them.
At the end of our scripture reading, Jesus’s boat was the only one that came ashore. Fairweather friends.
It sounds….well it sounds kind of like the Dallas Cowboys doesn’t it.
Tom Landry is coach and they have tons of fans. When Tom is gone, many fans fall off. But oh Jimmy Johnson is there and winning and “The Boys” are America’s team, world champions.
But you don’t hear much about the Cowboys right now. The Mavs are a favorite.
Back to our storm. What kind of storm do you think this is?? Some of these men are trained fishermen. They have been on the sea all their lives. Yet this one is big enough to scare even them.
In October 2004 we left Austin for Orlando Florida. Headed to Disney World. Does anyone remember what happened in the fall of ’04?? We left Texas after hurricane Ivan made landfall.
In Alabama we had to take a detour becase an I10 bridge had collapsed. There was no communication in the area. One gas station had a hundred cars lined up to get gas, and another one opened just 20 miles away had 2 customers.
We stayed a week in Florida and then came back just before hurricane Jeanne came to land. People thought we were crazy even going. Stubborn kids I guess.
The wind starts up on the sea. The waves rise. The boat is rocking and water is coming in. The disciples do what they know to do. Batton down the hatches, right. Bring down the sail.
The waves get higher and crash over the boat. Peter yells to James to get the buckets and bail the water out. Judas is running around looking for a life preserver. I think if the movie “The Perfect Storm”.
Do you remember that wall of water the boat went up in that movie. Unbelievable. The disciple’s boat is really rocking now. And Jesus is a great help. He mans the buckets. He ties down the sails.
NO. Jesus is asleep. WHAT!!! How can Jesus sleep at a time like this.
He was tired. He got in the boat with the disciples “just as he was”. Wiped out. He had been talking all day. It’s a long string of speaking engagements.
I went deep sea fishing one time. The water was really rough. On the way back in, after being out all day, I layed down and actually went to sleep, even with all the bouncing around.
When you are exhausted, you can sleep thru a hurricane. After the disciples had done everything they could think of to do, they go to wake up Jesus. “Don’t you care if we drown?” They said we as in Jesus also.
They still did not know who Jesus was totally and we will get to that in a minute. “Do you want to die? Can’t you do something? Grab a bucket.” Jesus got up, RAISED HIS HANDS, and said “be quiet wind, calm down waves.” What power and authority.
The sea became like smooth glass. Sometimes he calms the storms. When the disciples starting thinking about the episode later, they might have remembered Psalm 107 where it says
“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.”
They were glad when it grew calm. Then he turned to the disciples.
“Why are you afraid? Do you not have faith?” That word “faith” in the Greek is “pistis”. It is associated with assurance, belief and faith. Do you not have assurance of eternal life that you would let go of this life.
I remember other words of Jesus where he said “those who hold on to their life will lose it, but those who lose there life for my sake will gain eternal life”. That is the faith Jesus is looking for.
Those who will lose themselves in Jesus. Give their all. Be on fire for Jesus. Those who are called Jesus Freaks.
We read in the next verse that the disciples were fearful. They were glad to be saved one minute, but then fearful of Jesus the next.
What kind of power does this man have that he can control the wind and sea? What kind of man are we following?
I’ll tell you what kind of man this was. This Jesus is God. He was 100% man and 100% God. You say “Pastor Sean, that does not add up.” 1+1=1. Amazing God we worship isn’t it. He wasn’t married. He didn’t have a love child like some books might say. And if you want to discuss it, I’m free anytime.
God – the one and only God – is not a Sunday God. He doesn’t want one day a week from you. He wants every day. Sunday-Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri-Saturday. He looks at you and looks at your life.
He says…”Open your wallet. Do you have money. Give it to me.” Well ok, that’s no problem. “Nice pictures. You have a boat and nice truck.” Oh yeah. We go to the lake every chance we get. “Give them to me” he says. Now hold on a minute.
That’s my boat. I get to work with that truck. Are you married. Do you have kids?? Yes I have a great family you say indignantly. I want them too he says.
Tears well up in your eyes.
Your family is your life. You can’t do without them. You protest. You kick and scream "You can't have them. They are mine." God only looks back at you.
He stares deep into your soul. Where were you when I put the stars in the sky.
Did you tell the waves of the sea they can only go so far? I control the sea and wind. I created you. I formed you in your mother’s womb. I gave you breath. I want it all. Everything you have.
Down on your knees you go. Face in your hands. “Take it. It is yours. I am nothing and deserve nothing.” You throw it all on the alter. Now the amazing thing happens. God smiles. That broad heavenly smile.
He reaches down and takes you by the hand. He brings you back up to your feet. “My child. I love you more than the birds in the air. Here are MY keys. Use MY truck for my glory. Share your faith at work.
Take your family to church in it. Use that $20 in your wallet to buy some clothes for that single parent family down the road. I’m giving this to you. Make me proud.”
When you leave here today to go to Service, look at what you have as God’s. Look at each day as God. At the end of the day, look back and say “did I glorify God today.”
The one who has complete control and I can place my life in his hands, did I make him proud. Better yet say “Lord, did I make you proud”. I have a banner on my desk that says “Christ is life, the rest is details”.
Right above that another sentence that says “If you knew you could not fail, what would you do today”. Go and do it now. Do it for Christ.
In October 2004 we left Austin for Orlando Florida. Headed to Disney World. Does anyone remember what happened in the fall of ’04?? We left Texas after hurricane Ivan made landfall.
In Alabama we had to take a detour becase an I10 bridge had collapsed. There was no communication in the area. One gas station had a hundred cars lined up to get gas, and another one opened just 20 miles away had 2 customers.
We stayed a week in Florida and then came back just before hurricane Jeanne came to land. People thought we were crazy even going. Stubborn kids I guess.
The wind starts up on the sea. The waves rise. The boat is rocking and water is coming in. The disciples do what they know to do. Batton down the hatches, right. Bring down the sail.
The waves get higher and crash over the boat. Peter yells to James to get the buckets and bail the water out. Judas is running around looking for a life preserver. I think if the movie “The Perfect Storm”.
Do you remember that wall of water the boat went up in that movie. Unbelievable. The disciple’s boat is really rocking now. And Jesus is a great help. He mans the buckets. He ties down the sails.
NO. Jesus is asleep. WHAT!!! How can Jesus sleep at a time like this.
He was tired. He got in the boat with the disciples “just as he was”. Wiped out. He had been talking all day. It’s a long string of speaking engagements.
I went deep sea fishing one time. The water was really rough. On the way back in, after being out all day, I layed down and actually went to sleep, even with all the bouncing around.
When you are exhausted, you can sleep thru a hurricane. After the disciples had done everything they could think of to do, they go to wake up Jesus. “Don’t you care if we drown?” They said we as in Jesus also.
They still did not know who Jesus was totally and we will get to that in a minute. “Do you want to die? Can’t you do something? Grab a bucket.” Jesus got up, RAISED HIS HANDS, and said “be quiet wind, calm down waves.” What power and authority.
The sea became like smooth glass. Sometimes he calms the storms. When the disciples starting thinking about the episode later, they might have remembered Psalm 107 where it says
“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.”
They were glad when it grew calm. Then he turned to the disciples.
“Why are you afraid? Do you not have faith?” That word “faith” in the Greek is “pistis”. It is associated with assurance, belief and faith. Do you not have assurance of eternal life that you would let go of this life.
I remember other words of Jesus where he said “those who hold on to their life will lose it, but those who lose there life for my sake will gain eternal life”. That is the faith Jesus is looking for.
Those who will lose themselves in Jesus. Give their all. Be on fire for Jesus. Those who are called Jesus Freaks.
We read in the next verse that the disciples were fearful. They were glad to be saved one minute, but then fearful of Jesus the next.
What kind of power does this man have that he can control the wind and sea? What kind of man are we following?
I’ll tell you what kind of man this was. This Jesus is God. He was 100% man and 100% God. You say “Pastor Sean, that does not add up.” 1+1=1. Amazing God we worship isn’t it. He wasn’t married. He didn’t have a love child like some books might say. And if you want to discuss it, I’m free anytime.
God – the one and only God – is not a Sunday God. He doesn’t want one day a week from you. He wants every day. Sunday-Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri-Saturday. He looks at you and looks at your life.
He says…”Open your wallet. Do you have money. Give it to me.” Well ok, that’s no problem. “Nice pictures. You have a boat and nice truck.” Oh yeah. We go to the lake every chance we get. “Give them to me” he says. Now hold on a minute.
That’s my boat. I get to work with that truck. Are you married. Do you have kids?? Yes I have a great family you say indignantly. I want them too he says.
Tears well up in your eyes.
Your family is your life. You can’t do without them. You protest. You kick and scream "You can't have them. They are mine." God only looks back at you.
He stares deep into your soul. Where were you when I put the stars in the sky.
Did you tell the waves of the sea they can only go so far? I control the sea and wind. I created you. I formed you in your mother’s womb. I gave you breath. I want it all. Everything you have.
Down on your knees you go. Face in your hands. “Take it. It is yours. I am nothing and deserve nothing.” You throw it all on the alter. Now the amazing thing happens. God smiles. That broad heavenly smile.
He reaches down and takes you by the hand. He brings you back up to your feet. “My child. I love you more than the birds in the air. Here are MY keys. Use MY truck for my glory. Share your faith at work.
Take your family to church in it. Use that $20 in your wallet to buy some clothes for that single parent family down the road. I’m giving this to you. Make me proud.”
When you leave here today to go to Service, look at what you have as God’s. Look at each day as God. At the end of the day, look back and say “did I glorify God today.”
The one who has complete control and I can place my life in his hands, did I make him proud. Better yet say “Lord, did I make you proud”. I have a banner on my desk that says “Christ is life, the rest is details”.
Right above that another sentence that says “If you knew you could not fail, what would you do today”. Go and do it now. Do it for Christ.
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