What to do about North Korea and the War on Terror?? That's a big question. This is ultimately a war against good and evil. I'm sure the people who were in the middle of the Cold War felt the same way. The "Axis of Evil" is alive and well in North Korea, Iran, and in a way China. The two countries that have the most monitary interest in having a communist country stay in power (that's Russia and China) are against any sactions against N. Korea. You notice it was the same two countries against any sactions on Iraq. Who is supplying weapons to N. Korea and Iran. those same two countries.
I move away from the Methodist leaders that insist the US must immediately pull all troops out of iraq. We might have gone in with flawed information, but pulling out is disasterous. We should complete this now. Have you ever seen the movie "Swordfish"? This was a great movie. Basically at the end of the movie, the bad/good guys tracked down terrorist and destroyed them. You say "aren't you a pastor? How can you condone killing for killing?" This is not a physical war only. It's a spiritual war. The terrorist are radical muslims who want everyone who is not muslim to either convert or die. There is no talking, discussing, coming to consenious. If the "non-radical" muslim leaders wish to stop this, they could denouce what the radicals are doing. But they don't. One of 2 reasons for this....1. They agree with the radicals, 2. They are afraid the radicals will turn on them if they speak out. So which one is it?
Jesus spoke of love and compassion. Paul said to always be ready to give a defense for your faith, with Gentleness and Respect. Mohammed said the infadels must be converted or die. Which is right? Jesus is God and proved it. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
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