2006 is almost gone. 2007 is upon us. One of the girls in my church is going on a Chryslis flight this weekend. www.ctcemmaus.org to find out more. I've been working on what a NT church looks like. The more I read and study, the more I like. It's about giving more than receiving. it's about mercy more than law. it's about loving more than arguing. Jesus ate with sinners, prostitutes, homosexuals, aldulters, sex addicts, liers, cheats. he said "I came to for those who are sick not those who are well.
The church needs to be like that too. It's harder in some ways in a small church, but easier in other ways in a small church. When i was part of one of the biggest UMC churches in Austin, our missions team was less than 10 people. When we needed to help a ministry, money was thrown at it. Now don't get me wrong. Most ministries need money badly....food banks, homeless shelters, etc. however, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. I think my New Year's resolution will be to get my hands dirty more this next year. Oh...back to the small church. the larger churches have an opportunity to throw money at a ministry. The smaller churches have to throw people at a ministry.
Since we are smaller, we need to focus our resources for the next year. Are we going to help a battered women's shelter, food bank, homless shelter???
I'm looking forward to 2007. I want our church to be relevent.
There's a story of a new pastor rolling into a small town with his UHaul. He stops at a local store to ask where the church is. The person he asks says he hasn't heard of that church. No relevence I guess. Let's make a difference this new year.
The New has come upon us and the Old has passed away.
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