Sunday, December 31, 2006

December 31 sermon Grow in Stature 1 Samuel

I’ve heard some New Years resolutions already. “As soon as the holidays are over, I’m going on a diet and losing some weight.” You notice it’s ‘after the holidays are over’, not right now. And there is no “exact” amount of weight to lose.

Some of the others I have heard (or made) in the past are ‘to spend more time with my family’, ‘keep the house clean’, ‘I’ll quit smoking’ – which should be a lot easier with the $1 a pack tax starting tomorrow.

But are those the resolutions the ones we need to make? Do we ever keep these resolutions anyway? How much weight did you lose when you started the last diet and how long did you stay on it?? Was it over a week later?
What are the New Years resolutions you have made for this year??

Let’s look at Samuel to see what he has resolved to do. Samuel was ministering before the Lord it says in vs 18. God had blessed Hannah and given her a child. Because of this, Hannah gave the child to the Lord to work in the temple. And Samuel was exactly where he should be. He was ministering in the outer court of the temple.

Samuel knew his place and did exactly as was his destiny. We learn in the next verse that his mother brought him a coat or apron each year.
Samuel could not work in the tabernacle because he was not a priest, so he worked in the outer courts and needed the proper attire to work in. And the boy Samuel grew in stature.

What does that mean? He became a deeper disciple. What we wish for the youth is what I wish for all of you too. As you study the scriptures, as you pray your prayers, as you live a holy life that Jesus himself would be proud of, you will grow in stature before the Lord and come closer to him.

What would be the alternative to Samuel and his spiritual growth? He was already a believer. He was actively seeking the will and guidance from the Lord. He understood that although Eli had made a few mistakes in his past, he was the leader for the tabernacle.

Then the alternative to Samuel would be spiritual atrophy. Basically if your not seeking God’s will and actively pursuing the spiritual disciplines such as prayer, meditation, scripture reading, etc, your spiritual muscle will slowly wither away. I know Carol can tell us about astronauts going into space, and how they must constantly work out because in space there is no gravity to give them any resistance.

It’s the same in the church. Unless you work your spiritual muscles, unless you are stretched, they will wither.
The apostle Paul says it well. You were once on milk like a baby, but now you must move up to meat. You’re no longer babies. He says to stop your crying and whining. Seek out the spiritual meat in your life and the life of your church so you and it can grow.

And grow you will. Vs 26 says Samuel grew in stature and FAVOR with the Lord. He not only grew his spiritual muscle, but also followed the will of God.
What about you? Are you still drinking milk? It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long since you said that prayer and became a Christian. You could have been saved when you were 8 and now at 88 you’re still on spiritual milk with flabby muscles.

Samuel understood what it took to be in the will of God. Do you? Do you go to the Lord in prayer that he would lead you each day? Do you read scripture each day to apply it to your life? The parents that are here brought there kids to church to raise them up as Godly children.

Do you seek to understand what scripture is saying or do you take what someone said 20 years ago as truth without investigating it yourself? Slavery was justified by using the scripture of “slaves obey your masters”. Women oppression was justified by the scripture from Timothy of women should sit down and be quiet in church and if they have questions to ask their husbands.
Samuel CONTINUED to grow in the presence of the Lord. It was not a “one day say a prayer” and that’s it, but every day Samuel’s spirit grew stronger.

Jesus was the same way as Samuel. He grew in wisdom and stature and divine and human favor. Jesus had his life in focus. He knew what he must do in life. “Why did you worry mother? Why did you take so long to find me? You should have known I was in my father’s house.”

There were no New Years resolutions for Samuel or Jesus. They went about the business they should. The will of God was their goal. And they saw they must grow up. In the movie “Talladega Nights” with Will Ferrell, Ricky Bobby always prays to baby Jesus. “dear lord baby Jesus”. His wife finally jumps in and says, “honey, Jesus did grow up. You don’t always have to call him a baby.” Ricky says “well look. I like the Christmas Jesus best, and I’m saying grace.”

I think that’s how some Christians get after Christmas. They don’t want to see baby Jesus grow up. They realize if Jesus grows, they must grow also. It’s so much easier to stay with the Christmas Jesus. The baby can’t make demands on us.
The baby can’t challenge us. The baby can’t stretch us farther than we want. And the baby doesn’t die on the cross so we don’t have to come to the foot of the cross.

But even Jesus understands how much we must grow. That’s why Luke puts in the story of when he is 12. Jesus grew in stature and understanding.
He understood he must be going about his father’s business. He understood he must seek out the will of God. He understood that life was new. And here we are rolling into 2007 and the new life it will bring. A couple years ago Linda gave a sermon on UMW Sunday about calling.

She said that “God’s call is not a one time thing and the call changes as our circumstances change. We must be ready to adjust as God asks us to serve in new ways.” That was relevant then as it is today. In 2007 there will be new ministries started here at the church. We will be reaching and touching more people.

God will make a difference in our lives and transform us….transform you (I hope you are ready).
The new year is upon us. With Christ a new life is within you. And with his love, the old old story can be told in a new way to new people. Like Samuel and Jesus, you must go about your Father’s business, continue to grow, continue to share, and I hope you are ready, because continue to help transform lives.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Eve service sermon

Luke 1: 39-55 and Micah 5:2-5

What are you hoping to be under your tree?? I received the Nieman Marcus catalog and planned on ordering a few things from it for Brandy and Julia. I’m sure you’ve heard of this catalog. I was going to buy the $40k 7ft tall pencil sky scraper. But I decided on the 150 acre Italian fortress for a cool $3.8 million. Unfortunately someone else had already bought it. But I started to think about what I have, and what we have here at the church.

Call down the kids and leaders

This is our Youth Group. This is a great gift we already have that is not under the tree. In a minute we are going to pray over them. Last week I talked about authority. Why are there 3 leaders?? One leader will quickly burn out no matter how dedicated they are. Two leaders can bounce ideas off of and help each other. 3 leaders can make sure they help each other, they lead correctly, and they hold each other accountable for this ministry.

All these kids are under the authority of the leaders above them. If they do something they shouldn’t like making crank calls or walking down the rail road tracks, these leaders have the authority and responsibility to lead them to correction.

And like the kids are under the authority of Melanie, Ed and Mike, these three leaders are under my authority. If there are problems with the youth, they must come to me, their pastor.
If they start to get burned out, they must come to me, their pastor. One reason for this is when someone comes to me and says “Did you hear….” I can honestly say, yes.

But the most important reason is as the pastor of this church, I’m responsible to and under the authority of Almighty God. I must go before God with everything from our church life.
What I want to do now is pray over this youth group. It might cause a little claustrophobia, but I want us to surround them. All of you who have the desire and are able to, please come up now. If you don’t come up, that is fine. Raise up a hand as we pray over them.

Prayer over the youth group….

Almighty and gracious God. I thank you for this group. This group that will be the future of the church. That we are charged to raise up. These kids are growing faster than we like and smarter than us sometimes. We are praying for these leaders that have the desire to raise these kids up in a Godly way. Who have the goal to make them deeper disciples. Jesus we ask you to go before them, behind them, on their left and right. Surround them with your power might love and strength. Lord there is nothing we can do without you. We are here because of that first Christmas gift. It was a child. It was raised up in the church to become the savior for us all. And that’s why we have a youth group Lord. To raise up these children. To make this world a little better than it was before. To give them a heart for God. Right now before you, this whole congregation comes before you to say they are going to support these leaders and kids and whatever it takes to raise up these children to be deeper disciples and be godly leaders and be children of you. That’s what our church will do right now. Sometimes it might be hard Lord. We know with your strength we can get this done. I’m going to ask you for the wisdom for Mike and Melanie and Ed so they will know what to say and how to say it and when not to say anything. And the wisdom of our congregation Lord so they will know that every time something comes up they will say “we support you” because we know this is our future. We know this is our church. Although some of these kids are not mine, they are all yours. And the fact they are in my church Lord, they became part of my family and the family of each and every person here. I’m here to say right now Lord that this congregation is going to surround them, lay a hand on their shoulder and help raise up these children. That’s what we are here to do. Amen.

Elizabeth says “you are blessed because you believed the Lord would do what he said.” I say that to you today. You are blessed because you believe. What we have in front of us now and what we have received 2000 years ago which we celebrate tomorrow is so much better than anything else we could ever receive.

Now pray with me. Thank you Lord for making us rich in all things that matter…and a lot of other stuff that doesn’t. We have all that we need for today, and even more on top of that. Amen.”

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What is a New Testament church like??

2006 is almost gone. 2007 is upon us. One of the girls in my church is going on a Chryslis flight this weekend. to find out more. I've been working on what a NT church looks like. The more I read and study, the more I like. It's about giving more than receiving. it's about mercy more than law. it's about loving more than arguing. Jesus ate with sinners, prostitutes, homosexuals, aldulters, sex addicts, liers, cheats. he said "I came to for those who are sick not those who are well.
The church needs to be like that too. It's harder in some ways in a small church, but easier in other ways in a small church. When i was part of one of the biggest UMC churches in Austin, our missions team was less than 10 people. When we needed to help a ministry, money was thrown at it. Now don't get me wrong. Most ministries need money banks, homeless shelters, etc. however, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. I think my New Year's resolution will be to get my hands dirty more this next year. Oh...back to the small church. the larger churches have an opportunity to throw money at a ministry. The smaller churches have to throw people at a ministry.
Since we are smaller, we need to focus our resources for the next year. Are we going to help a battered women's shelter, food bank, homless shelter???
I'm looking forward to 2007. I want our church to be relevent.

There's a story of a new pastor rolling into a small town with his UHaul. He stops at a local store to ask where the church is. The person he asks says he hasn't heard of that church. No relevence I guess. Let's make a difference this new year.

The New has come upon us and the Old has passed away.

Monday, December 25, 2006

December 24 Sermon Who you callin' small. Luke 1:39-45

[Light the first three candles of the Advent wreath.]
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.
"He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty"
These familiar words were spoken by Mary upon greeting Elizabeth. Imagine the joy of this meeting when they can discuss their own and each other's pregnancy together for the first time. And what did they talk about first? a boy? a girl? baby clothes? new furniture? No. Mary says,
"My soul magnifies the Lord; I declare the greatness of God, and my spirit rejoices."
Mary … a young woman … a teenager … not so long before, pregnant and unmarried … declares the greatness of God and recognizes the unique calling she has received. As with so many other mothers before and after her, she does not know what joys or sorrows may follow the birth, but she is ready to rejoice in God, her Savior.
It is for Mary that we light this fourth candle. Mary — blessed among women. Mary — the Lord's lowly servant. Mary — who believed that God was about to fulfill the promise made to Abraham so long ago.
[Light the fourth candle.]

December 24 sermon Who are you calling small, Luke 1: 39-45

Why did the nurse carry the red marker? So she could “draw” blood.
What happens when you don’t clean your mirrors? They give you dirty looks.
Alphabet joke “babydoll”.

What are you hoping to be under your tree?? I received the Nieman Marcus catalog and planned on ordering a few things from it for Brandy and Julia. I’m sure you’ve heard of this catalog. I was going to buy the $40k 7ft tall pencil sky scraper. But I decided on the 150 acre Italian fortress for a cool $3.8 million. Unfortunately someone else had already bought it. But I started to think about what I have, and what we have here at the church.

Call down the kids and leaders

This is our Youth Group. This is a great gift we already have that is not under the tree. In a minute we are going to pray over them. Last week I talked about authority. Why are there 3 leaders?? One leader will quickly burn out no matter how dedicated they are. Two leaders can bounce ideas off of and help each other. 3 leaders can make sure they help each other, they lead correctly, and they hold each other accountable for this ministry.

All these kids are under the authority of the leaders above them. If they do something they shouldn’t like making crank calls or walking down the rail road tracks, these leaders have the authority and responsibility to lead them to correction.

And like the kids are under the authority of Melanie, Ed and Mike, these three leaders are under my authority. If there are problems with the youth, they must come to me, their pastor.
If they start to get burned out, they must come to me, their pastor. One reason for this is when someone comes to me and says “Did you hear….” I can honestly say, yes.

But the most important reason is as the pastor of this church, I’m responsible to and under the authority of Almighty God. I must go before God with everything from our church life.
What I want to do now is pray over this youth group. It might cause a little claustrophobia, but I want us to surround them. All of you who have the desire and are able to, please come up now. If you don’t come up, that is fine. Raise up a hand as we pray over them.

Prayer Prayer prayer prayer

Elizabeth says “you are blessed because you believed the Lord would do what he said.” I say that to you today. You are blessed because you believe. What we have in front of us now and what we have received 2000 years ago which we celebrate tomorrow is so much better than anything else we could ever receive.

Now pray with me. Thank you Lord for making us rich in all things that matter…and a lot of other stuff that doesn’t. We have all that we need for today, and even more on top of that. Amen.”

Sunday, December 17, 2006

December 17 sermon What Must We Do Luke 3 Philippians 4

December 17 sermon What Must We Do Luke 3 Philippians 4

Last week I decided I needed to talk to a councilor on authority and what it means to be a leader. I went to this one office complex. As I walked in, on the right there was a door with “Psycho-analyst” on it, and on the left there was a door with “Psychologist” on it. Well since I didn’t know the difference, I counted the letters in the title and with Psychoanalyst having more letters I went in that door. In the next room I was confronted with two more doors. The first said “with a couch” and the second said “without a couch”. Figuring I had come this far and wanted to be comfortable while talking about authority and leadership I went in the “couch” door. There I was confronted with two more doors. The first said “over $200k a year” and the second said “under $200k a year”. Well knowing I won’t be making over $200k this year of next year, I went in the “under $200k” door. There I found myself outside once again.

John the Baptist has more guts than I do. He has a crowd around him and he starts calling them a bunch of snakes. The scum of the earth. I don’t know if I would want to make a crowd of people angry at me by calling them names like that. Who were these crowds??

They were the Pharisees that Jesus railed against. But also, I think these were people like you and me who want to see what’s going on. They wanted to hear what this wild man wearing animal skin was saying. He speaks with authority, even though he doesn’t look like someone we would normally follow.

Most of the time we will follow those who are like us or those who don’t step on our toes too much or make us question ourselves. I’ve heard some men say about their pastors “thank God it’s not a woman”. I’ve heard some women say “Thank God he’s not a commanding authoritative type”. But authority comes from God.

And those we submit to (ooohhh there’s that word we hate to hear…”submit”). Each of us has to submit to our spiritual leader in the church. I have to submit to God himself. God has authority over me and all my actions.

John the Baptist was the same way. He called out this uncommitted crowd and threw them under the bus.
“Who told you to run from the coming destruction?” That is definitely putting them on the spot. Are you coming to listen to me because you are truly repentant of all the things you have done in your past, or are you doing this because it is popular??

It was not too long ago that Scientology was at the top of the religion craze of celebrities and everyone who wanted to be like a celebrity. I’m not sure who started it going, but Madonna seems to have made Kabala a household name. There’s a teller at my bank that has one of those high dollar red strings on his wrist. There’s always a new fad going around.

John is asking the question “are you repentant, or are you just following the crowd?” The people were saying to each other “how can he talk this way. WE are the chosen ones from Abraham. We don’t need to run from any destruction.” But John overheard them.

“Don’t claim Abraham as your father. These stones scattered around my feet might as well be the children of Abraham the way y’all are acting.” What kind of fruit are you producing? The Christian equivalent of “we have Abraham as our father” is “we have Christ as our savior.”

Now, Christ is necessary for salvation, but if you have Christ, you also should produce good fruit. Another way to say it is “I was raised in the church and have been a member of my church all my life”. Just like I heard not too long ago that “Going to church makes you a Christian like going in a garage makes you a car.” True Christianity is in the fruit production.

The ax is at the root of the family tree now. Your roots are where you get your nutrition and the way you are connected to the proper source. Since this crowd has not produced any good fruit, they will be cut down and thrown into the fire. On the other hand, if their roots and your roots are connected to the proper person, good fruit will automatically be produced.

Root can also mean the hidden parts of our lives. It’s that “below the surface” stuff that eyes around us cannot see. The ax isn’t a pruning tool. It’s going straight to the hidden stuff of our lives and kills it right there.

What should we do, the crowd asks. And I love the answer from John. He does not say 1. Go to church every week, 2. Make sure you give exactly 10% of your money to God, 3. Wear the proper clothes to your gatherings, 4. Pray to God 5 times a day.

No…he says “if you have 2 shirts, share with the man who has none. If you have food, give some to the one who doesn’t have any.” He is telling them what a true New Testament church should look like. To the tax collectors, don’t collect more money than is expected of you. To the soldiers, don’t shake down the people to get more money.

What is he telling these people? Be content with your work and your pay if it will support you. Don’t drop everything and quit your job for some spiritual quest. Use the mundane part of your life (that’s usually work) and do what it takes to help others.

What should we do, they ask? There is a big word in that question. It’s WE. It wasn’t individual, but corporal and communal. WE are in this together. What should WE do?
John says to Buck the system. Do things differently than everyone else around you.

Could John be the messiah?? Overhearing their words, John yells out. Wake up, I’m not the messiah. But he is coming. He is greater and stronger than me, and I am not worthy to untie his sandals. Untying sandals and washing feet was a menial task suited only for slaves, yet John says he is not worthy to be a slave of the coming Messiah, Jesus.

John understood the authority given to him. He had authority to step on the toes of those people around him. But one greater than John with authority over him was coming. And when Jesus comes, he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Just like we talked about last week, those who are righteous will sense the comfort of the Spirit. Those who are unrighteous will experience the cleansing fire.

So what is left…and listen carefully because John says this is the Good News. In Verse 17, Jesus has the fork in hand ready to gather the wheat into the barn. The farmer takes the fork, scoops up a bunch of hay and throws it up in the air. All the chaff, the useless stuff (yes I said useless) gets separated out and blown away from the pile of wheat, and then gets thrown in the fire. The heavy stuff of actual substance stays and gets put in the barn for real use. John is saying the same for us.
If there is real spiritual substance in our lives, we will stay in the barn and be of good use. If our spiritual life is all fluff with no substance, it will be blown straight to the fire.

What should we do today? Have substance in our spiritual lives and how we live that life out. It’s not just having Christ, it’s living Christ. Show unity and be of one mind in following the mission of the church. And what is the mission of the church? To make disciples of Jesus Christ. The spiritual authority above us must be true and must be followed. And we should look to John. Share with those who have none. Give to those who need, without hesitation.

John was the voice calling out from the wilderness, and now Jesus has come. Tonight we will be going thru the whole story. Prophecies fulfilled. An era of grace comes upon us. And a baby is born, who must have authority over all of us. And we submit to his will, to share the Good News. And it is Good News indeed.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

December 10 sermon and Advent lighting reading

December 10 Advent candle lighting reading

[Light the first candle on the Advent wreath.]
"Blessed be the Lord God, for he has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a mighty savior for us, as he spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets from of old, saying…
And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins" (Luke 1:68-70, 76-77, NRSV).
God chooses the most unlikely messengers… …a desert wild-man dressed in animal skins and eating locusts and wild honey … a poor shepherd, shunned by polite society, keeping silent watch in the fields … or today perhaps a school teacher, a waitress, a plumber, a laborer … or even a … child
Jesus comes, not just to those of us in [your church's name or city], but even to those in New York, Beverly Hills, Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, North Korea. Jesus comes to us in the words of a preacher and in the song of a choir, but also in the siren of an ambulance, in a letter opened in a prison cell, in a visit to a nursing home, and in the smile — or cry — of a child.
[Light the second candle on the Advent wreath.]

December 10 sermon – Love overflowing

Did you hear….The Energizer Bunny got arrested last week. He was sighted for Battery.
Paul and I were walking in the woods the other day when we came up on a bear. Turning to run, Paul looked down and saw me tying my shoe laces. “What are you doing?” he screamed. I said “I don’t have to outrun the bear, just you.”

Malichi is a short interesting prophet to read. He is preaching at a time when the temple has been rebuilt, but the people were not acting the way they should. Malichi is one of those prophets from the OT that no one wanted to hear. He was speaking for God.

The people thought they were doing just fine, but oh Malichi set them straight. He prophecies…I will send my messenger before me. That’s John the Baptist. Who would have thought that a guy wearing animal hide and eating wild honey and bugs would me a messenger for God.

You see those cartoons with the guy standing on the street corner with a sign saying “THE END IS NEAR”. I would think both him and John are a little crazy.
You see, the people in the OT were holding back some of their tithe money. The Lord says “You’ve been holding back.
Give 10% or the first fruits of whatever you make and I will show you a blessing.” The people were holding back on their sacrifices. Sacrifices were supposed to be a young healthy animals with no defects. The people were sacrificing the scrawny, puny animals they wanted to get rid of. And the people were not helping those around them. But we will get to that soon.

Malichi says “the messiah is coming. Look busy…here comes Jesus”. But then his next sentence strikes fear in many people. “He will purify you and cleanse you with fire and Fullers soap”.

Has anyone used Fuller’s soap before?? RAISE YOUR HAND. I bet you have. They have been in business for years making specialty soaps for B&Bs and hotels usually with custom made labeling.

Look at that…you get a bible lesson and a business lesson at the same time.

Jesus is coming back soon he says. Jesus will come to purify us with fire and cleanse us with soap. Have you ever seen those documentaries where the heat up the silver or gold to outrageous temps and then skim the scum off the top?

Have you ever heard how hot Hell is going to be? Have you ever felt that the pain and trials you are going thru is like going thru hell? Have you heard that song from Rodney Atkins?? “If you’re going thru hell, keep on moving. Don’t slow down.”

God looks at our lives and says “you know what….we need to turn up the heat a little”. I saw the other day a guy in a three piece suit, shiny shoes, all decked out. He was in a group of other men, similarly dressed. This guys was saying he had just written a check to his church for $10k and boy that was a great thing I did.

I started to think though…who cares. Oh my gosh someone is about to fall out of the pew. The pastor isn’t asking for money and doesn’t care about the $10k check.

Don’t get me wrong. I would love for someone to write the church a check for $10k-$20k-$30k. I would love for someone to come up and say “hey…I want to build a new building over here for you to use. Or I want to help you start a sister church in another location.”

All that would be great. The problem was the attitude of this man who gave the $$. He was like the Pharisees Jesus was always complaining about, standing on the street corner proclaiming how great they are. They needed to hear the song “How Great Thou Art”.
What does the Lord say? “Your going thru the fire. Trails-temptation-pain-heartache. It’s coming. If your motives are pure and your heart is right, you will come thru looking like gold. If your motives not pure and heart is dark, you will make it thru the fire with little anything but the clothes on your back and they will smell like smoke and have burn holes all thru them.”

But all thru it, God will find that spot of pure righteousness in you, no matter how big or small it is. The smaller it is, the more painful the fire and correction will be.

Wait a minute pastor. Your sounding like those prosperity preachers like Benny Hinn and Joel Olsteen. Are you saying if I have enough faith, I won’t go thru trials? Oh how I wish that were true. I am saying, without God you won’t make it thru the trials.

Oct 30, 2004, 10 year old Erin Browning lay in a bed barely able to breath because of the cancer that was ravaging her body. Starting from the toes of her left foot all the way up to the top of her head, she was riddled with cancer. It was 3 years earlier on September 11th 2001 she was diagnosed with the cancer.

Erin was 6 years old when she prayed to receive Christ as her savior; She was 7 when she was diagnosed with cancer;
She was 8 when she was traveling to area churches to give her testimony. There was a time when the cancer went away and they all called it a miracle. The cancer came back later. Laurie, her mom, asked for prayers and looked for hope.

Sometimes, she had questions I think all of us have in times of pain “what’s going on here. I feel like I’m all alone.” But her worship never changed. Her love for Jesus remained constant even though she questioned what was going on. It was a raw and rare faith, and very inspiring.

Casting Crowns wrote “Praise you in the storm” in honor of Erin. The Chorus goes “and I’ll praise you in the storm, and I will lift my hands, for you are who you are, no matter where I am, and every tear I cry, you hold in your hands, you never left my side, and though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm.

It’s the perfect song, for no matter how hard your troubles are and no matter how far down you go, God is there.

And that is what Paul writes to the Philipians. Paul was in chains and preaching to the guards. He was in chains and preaching to the Governor. I would say that’s pretty far down, yet Paul kept on praising Jesus’ name.
And Paul for the Philipians like Malichi for the Israelites, he was looking for their love for others to be deeper and stronger than any other love so when they went thru the refining fire on the day that Jesus Christ came back in victory, they would be seen as righteous.

Malichi and Paul are speaking against the adulterers, those who defraud their workers, perjurers, those who oppress the widows and fatherless, and those who do not fear the Lord.

Paul sums it up nicely. He says “I want you to be filled with the fruit of righteousness so that the one who began the good work in you will carry it on to completion.” Talk about your love for Jesus Christ every day, give to the needy every day, bring canned food for the food bank next week, go to the senior center and help out, deliver meals on wheels, visit the shut ins, call the person who did not show up for church today.

I tell you now. I think my God every day for you every day when I pray. In all my prayers for all of you I pray with joy because of your partnership in the preaching of the Word of God with me. And I know, that the one who began this good work in you will complete it so on that day when Jesus comes back he will look you in the eyes and say “well done, good and faithful servant.”

If there is anyone who doesn’t understand the good work before them, or who sees their past offerings as the sludge that’s skimmed off the top of the gold, or who doesn’t know the love and passion of God underlying their current pain and wants to pray about it now, come on up to the alter rail during this last hymn.

some great sites

I thought i would post some sites I keep bookmarked. Some people will like them; some people will hate them; some people will say "why in the world would he look at a site like that". There is a reason. email me and ask if you need further information :o) This is a site about evangelism thru the back door...basically. There is no in your face, Billy Graham (I love BG) fire and brimstone talking. Read some of the posts. Very insightful. not biblical, but not expected to be. Some of her posts are about programming, but title of "Creating Passionate Users" tells it all. In anything you are marketing, passionate users will sell it. related: great information to make life more productive if not easier.

Check these out. get back to me with any others you like.

-Pastor Sean

PS...funny comment. Someone replied to one of my sermons with "GET A LIFE". I thought I had a life. More life than posting comments that make no sense :o)

Friday, December 01, 2006

November 26 sermon The King Revelation 1:4-8

Have you ever felt beaten down, hard on your luck, pushed to the edge of the cliff and then pushed over?? You look at the world today and see pain and hardship. I rarely watch the news anymore, because the saying is true “if it bleeds it leads.”

Maybe you don’t have to watch the news to see the pain in life. You look next door to a family that is struggling to make it. You see a few houses down signs of abuse or neglect. Down the pews you see the years worn on someone’s face. Inside your house, those same signs of your hard life are right in front of you.

How do you reconcile the “fruits of the spirit” with the pain your feeling right now?? Peace, Patience, kindness, gentleness, self-respect, compassion, humility. And that big one which can easily escape us when going thru these pains….JOY.

The people John wrote Revelation to are just like this. They were going thru some major persecution. It was written to encourage and inspire Christians under Roman persecution to endure and remain faithful during the time of tribulation.

To help with both the internal battles between personal faithfulness and abandonment of faith and the external battles waged by a culture out of control, threatened by unenlighted leaders and pagan values. Does that remind you of any other time in recent history...

You see, at the end of the 1st century, it was illegal to be a Christian. It was a time of chaos in which the promise of safety and security believed to be a result of faith could only be achieved by abandoning the faith, or by living a double life. Kind of like a double agent in the CIA.

It is here that John offers his vision of hope.
All throughout Revelation, John uses numbers and imagery to weave a web that Christians will be happy to run in to. “Grace and peace to you” is the greeting from John.

Grace is the standard gentile greeting. Peace or shalom is the standard Jewish greeting. This was no ordinary greeting. This grace and peace is from a special source “who is, and who was and who is to come”.

What does this statement mean to you?? “The one who is and who was and who is to come”. PAUSE

God is not some temporal being out there holding the spinning basketball of life on his finger, every once in a while giving it another push to keep it going. What can be more important than a relationship of grace and peace with this God??

In the beginning of life is God. In the middle of life is God. In the end of life is God. This is a focus on your life and the one who is in the middle of it with you. This is a promise of engagement. God is not an absent being who has no interest in our life. My dad once said, “My little problems don’t matter much to God when he has a whole world of much bigger problems to take care of.” That’s not true. God is personal and loving.

This greeting is also from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Witness can also be translated as martyr. Jesus was crucified for the truth. He is faithful so we can trust he will always be there for us. Jesus is also the firstborn of the dead. John is affirming that those who died for the truth will rise again just as Jesus rose from the dead.

Jesus is also “ruler of the kings of the earth”. The king Israel had hoped for would be superior to all other kings. He would rule over all the earth. Christians saw that honor bestowed on Jesus. This is some elaborate imagery of court and kings and rulers.
John shifts gears a little now. “To him who loves us…” Jesus really loves us. There is a new show on TV called “Ugly Betty”. When ugly Betty walks by some construction workers and gets whistled at, she stops and says “me?? You’re whistling at me??” It’s kind of like that.

Even with all the ugliness in our life, Jesus still loves us. He loves us and he releases us from the punishment we deserve because of our sins. How does he do that?? John tells us here it’s by his blood. Jesus shed his blood to wash away the sins of those who confess him as savior and make us clean.

Christ has made us a ‘kingdom of priest’. Notice that it does not say there are certain people who are the priest (or in some translations ministers). We are all called to be kings and priest for God. What does that mean for us?

The saints (that’s you and me) are made kings; given a kingdom of grace. We have power and authority given to us over the sin in our lives, and over Satan. We will live in this world, but will soon be clothed in righteousness with kingly garments to sit on a throne with Christ, reign with Christ in the new Kingdom, and at last be introduced into the kingdom of glory. That is how we are kings.

We are also priest in that we lift up spiritual sacrifices of prayers and praises, of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and even our own souls and bodies as a holy and living sacrifice.

Look he is coming on the clouds; every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all those on earth will mourn. It’s a bird, it’s a plane. It’s….wait a minute. That’s not Superman. It seems that there are many people more apt to believe in Superman than in Jesus Christ being God.

Look at the shows on TV. Heroes is about people who have some sort of genetic changes and now have special powers. The 4400 is about 4400 people who were abducted by the future and sent back to our time to save the world. Smallville is about Superman when he was young. America’s Next Top Model is about people who can eat three crackers a day and then walk a straight line down the runway on Saturday.

When Christ comes back in final victory, those who persecuted Jesus and his followers, will see what wrong they did. Everyone on earth will be mourning because they will see the sin in their lives and how they are not worthy to be with Jesus.

But that mourning will turn to joy for us as Christians because the sin in our lives is washed away by the blood he shed for us.

The Lord then says “I am the Alpha and Omega”. In the beginning: God. In the end: God. In the middle of my life and yours: God. These are not exactly statements about time and space, but more about hope and trust.

What kind of God is this? God is the one who tells you “The worst is over.” To those hurting whose lives are marked by pain and fear, by weakness and oppression and injustice. TO those whose lives are marked by terror of the now and uncertainties of the future.

To those and to us, to you, God offers a brand new life. What God has to say in this letter is that no matter what comes against you in this life, no matter if all the power of pain and chaos seem to attack you all at once, no matter if you cannot control one single thing in your life, the worst is over and the healing has begun.

The lamb is on the throne. From beginning to end, he is here for you.

Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14
9As I watched, thrones were set in place, and an Ancient One took his throne, his clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, and its wheels were burning fire. 10A stream of fire issued and flowed out from his presence. A thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood attending him. The court sat in judgment, and the books were opened.
13As I watched in the night visions, I saw one like a human being coming with the clouds of heaven. And he came to the Ancient One and was presented before him. 14To him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.

Revelation 1: 4-8
4John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, 5and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, 6and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 7Look! He is coming with the clouds; every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and on his account all the tribes of the earth will wail. So it is to be. Amen. 8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.