Sunday, August 13, 2006

What a weekend....

What a great weekend. Went to Promise Keepers and saw 15000 men raise their hands, sing and pray and praise God. It was awesome. I had my sermon written on Friday, then I got home and my sermon changed that Saturday night after PK.
One of the kids, well kid but I think he is 18 or 19, came to me after service. He said "This is your first church right? I can tell....your on fire. I love listening to your sermons. I've been in dead churches where the pastor's fire has gone out. DOn't let that happen to you." It was a great conversation. What encouragement.
The funny thing is I don't think he would have said that if I would have left my sermon the way it was on Friday night. It was not a bad sermon, but I don't think it would have impacted like that. God blessed me.
I praise God for putting me where he has put me. I pray he will bless my ministry at Sardis and grow this church. I also pray he will bless our finances. I just don't make enough money and Brandy can't work yet....well I won't let her work outside the home. She needs to be home for Julia and homeschooling. We will figure it out.


It took me 3 weeks for it to hit me that yes I am the pastor and 2nd in command behind God. We've been talking about the men's ministry for a few weeks andit really hit me as "it's going to happen" when Dan called and said he would call the men who don't come to church but are members to invite them. Yes it is going to happen. Get this going and focus on the youth and then school starts.

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