Sunday, February 25, 2007

February 25 sermon Temptation Luke 4:1-13

Feb 25 Sermon
Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16
Luke 4:1-13
Title: Temptation

What are the temptations in your life??? Is it magazines? TV? Something on the internet? What about a nice looking girl or guy in the mall? Are you tempted by food? The chocolate cake on the table is calling out “eat me, eat me.” Maybe you’re tempted by power. You could be the mayor, governor, or president.

In Luke, Jesus had just been baptized by John in the Jordan. When he came out of the water, the Holy Spirit filled Jesus. Immediately he was led out to the wilderness.

For 40 days he was tempted by the devil. What does 40 days have to do with anything? For 40 years the Israelites were walking in the wilderness and were tempted by the unknown. For 40 days, Noah was in the ark being rained on, and Noah’s faith was tested.

For 40 days, Moses was on Mt. Sinai. The people did not know what had happened to Moses and even doubted he was alive. Elijah was on Mt. Horab for 40 days. Do you notice how 40 just keeps coming up. It’s this great time of testing.

Jesus went into the wilderness. Have you ever been in a spiritual wilderness?? This is a place where you can’t seem to feel the presence of God anywhere around you. You pray, you fast, you worship and raise your hands. But…nothing. There’s nothing there. Walking around in a daze, you ask “what happened to that mountain top experience I was on.” Wilderness.

So for 40 days Jesus ate nothing and he was famished. He was hungry. And the Devil tempted him. “If you are God, turn this stone into bread.” Ahhh bread. It’s a basic food to live on. Do you remember that first week in July when we had bread cooking in the sanctuary for communion? Oh that smell was delicious. Did you go thru the church looking for the fresh bread? Is your mouth watering yet?

Jesus answered back…”man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” That’s a quote from Deuteronomy 8:3. He humbled you, then when you hungered he fed you with manna, to teach you man does not live on bread alone but by every word from the mouth of God.”

Jesus is saying that bread is just bread. There is nothing of real substance there to completely nourish you. He is saying “You got bread, but that bread came directly from God. God is the one that supplies all your needs.” He’s the one you have to lean on.
While the Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years, God supplied their every need. He was there for them.
After Jesus said that, the devil took Jesus up to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. “If you worship me, all this will be yours. You will have glory and authority.”

That is a temptation. Riches, power, love, glory. The people also wanted Jesus to be a conquering messiah. They wanted him to come in on a white steed and save them. Which one of us would have given in to THIS temptation??

Money equals power, right. People deferring to you whenever you come into their presence. Getting to be first in line every time and sitting at the head of the table. Giving the toast to start the party. Being the head marshal in the parade. Quick promotions. You name in the paper. “Bob is the new (fill in the blank) of our city.”

Bill Clinton when asked why he did some of the “least flattering” things he did, he answered “because I could.” It wasn’t an arrogant answer, just an honest one. Unfortunately the devil is a liar. He does not have the authority to give that power to anyone. The devil shows his hand. “If you worship me…” yes that’s what those who want power are looking for.

Worship. I’ll put my name on buildings all over the country and have large casinos and a TV show. Worship me. But Jesus answered him “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.” Look back at the 10 commandments. “You shall not have any other Gods before me…nor serve them.” Did you notice that Jesus said to the devil “worship the Lord YOUR God”??

Even if the devil didn’t believe him to be almighty God, he still was. If a guy jumps off a tall building and says “I don’t believe in gravity,” he is still going to fall. That reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day. It said “God doesn’t believe in atheist.”

For the last test, the Devil takes Jesus to the top of the temple. “Jump off. If your angels are really yours, they will not let you be hurt.” Where were they?? On the temple. Why? Glory, honor!! Yes….the temple. That’s where the people go to meet with God.

The temple. If someone jumps off the top of the temple and then lands softly on the ground, people are going to notice. People are going to bow down and worship. We read this in Psalm 91, and believe me, the Israelites read the same Psalms. “His angels shall watch over him and he will not dash his foot on a stone.” Even the devil can quote scripture.

Why do we go thru scripture each Sunday?? There will be many false prophets that come into your life and they will know scripture. Jehovah’s Witness will say Jesus was a created being just like any other creature. Muslims will say Jesus was just a prophet. They will all use scriptures out of the bible to quote these. False teachers will come up in the church like wolves in sheep’s clothing. They will say thing to tickle your ears.

Another way to test God….Homer Simpson says this “Dear Lord.. The gods have been good to me. For the first time in my life, everything is absolutely perfect just the way it is. So here's the deal: You freeze everything the way it is, and I won't ask for anything more. If that is OK, please give me absolutely NO sign. OK, deal.” You ever make a deal with God like that?? “Just get me out of this mess….just get me the money to make it thru this month….just don’t let my wife find out.”

Jesus answered “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” And the devil left him until a more opportune time. D o you know what that means?? The devil comes back again and again. He doesn’t just ping us once and then run away. This isn’t the drive by devil. This is the drive by, shoot, go around the block, shoot again, go around the block, shoot again.

Have you ever said “I never fight with my husband?” And then have a fight the next week. Have you ever said “I manage my money and don’t have problems?” And then miss a payment the next month. Each person has points of vulnerability that are like a crack in the dam.

Just a few drops of water will get thru at first and you may not think anything about it. But soon it’s a squirt. Then a water fall. Then the whole dam comes crashing down. Temptation will come in when you least expect it.
How do you deal with these temptations?? Be grounded in the Word of God.

Our Psalm 91 says “They say of the Lord, he is my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” I had a conversation with a friend the other day about spiritual attacks and spiritual warfare. That is what Jesus was going thru in those 40 days in the wilderness. This was not human attacks where people attack your credibility or authority.

These are spiritual attacks that can only be defended spiritually. That is what Jesus does. He holds up the shield of protection…that is the bible. Those flaming arrows that are hurled at us can be blocked by the Word of Life.

When you are attacked like this, ground yourself in the word. Seek out scriptures that talk about situations like yours. Seek out other believers who have gone thru the same problems. Trust me, you are not the first person to go thru ANY situation.

If you are having a situation right now (whether it be sickness, loss, loneliness, anything) and you’re not sure what to do, come up during out last song or stay after the service and we can pray about it. It’s not too great for you and God to tackle together.

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