Saturday, November 15, 2008

sex and preaching

Ed young @ Fellowship Church of Dallas is doing a series of sermons about sex. He has tasked his married congregation couples to have sex EVERY DAY for seven days. Check out Now I love the fact that he has the 'cahonies' to do a sermon like this. The bible is a love story. And it gives us a prescription of what marriage and in that marriage what sex should look like.
What is sad is how unbelievers don't understand what a biblical marriage looks like. Check out this CNN video (LINK). She tells Ed "well it's rape if a man tells his wife that his pastor said they have to have sex." It's thinking like this that made people misinterpret the word "submit". I'm sure the CNN rep will not watch the sermon, but I pray she will so she can understand exactly what God is looking for in marriage and sex.

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