Saturday, March 05, 2011

Libya and Jesus

It's interesting what's happening in Libya right now is a decent illustration of the end of Luke 22. The temple police come to arrest Jesus. He is a non-violent defender of what is right. He seeks justice and truth. He wants good to come to that nation (and beyond).

Yet those in power (in the temple and beyond) like the status quo. They don't want to lose their power. They don't want to change. They don't want what Jesus is offering. So they figure out a way to have him killed.

Although there are MANY stories right now about Libya, check out .

Gaddafi, who has led the country virtually unchecked for four decades, has unleashed a violent crackdown against those seeking his ouster, drawing international condemnation and sanctions. Hundreds have been killed, perhaps more, putting pressure on the international community to do more to stop the crackdown on protests that began on Feb. 15, inspired by successful uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, its neighbors to the east and west respectively.
Those in power for four decades (Gaddafi and friends) like the status quo. They don't want to give up their power and feel they should stay in power at all cost. The cost is the lives of those who want freedom from the dictatorial regime.

Although we don't know what the outcome will be from all these people in the Middle East wanting democracy, I can tell you that democracy and individual freedom is much better than socialism/marxism/and all the other ism :o).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This comment would be to say thanks, i dont comment often, but when i do it is constantly for something really very good.