Friday, June 30, 2006

broadband options and school

Well Open Range wireless is out of the question. He came up with a 10 foot pole and we couldn't touch the signal (there is a joke there, but not exactly sure how to tell it). Wild Blue will get a call Monday if hte other wireless company does not come thru tomorrow. Michael (@ O.R.)said this could be God working. I laughed. It's not the way I want to be humbled. I guess there is no way I want to be humbled huh. I want everything to just go smoothly :o)

I just got back from Perkins. I had pushed them pretty much out of the picture and planned on Brite, but I keep being led to them. I think that might be the place I end up going, but cost is going to be an issue. I have less in savings than I thought and I got started too late to get in on most grants/scholarships. Perkins is not as liberal as Brite and as for resources, Perkins can't be beat. B ut when this school year will be $2k-$3k more, that's killing me. Brandy said we could put the word out and see about churches and stuff giving. Not sure what that would look like. God does provide.
I went to HEB yesterday. Brandy gave me $20. My total was $22.51 and I had $3 in my wallet.
We need a weedeater. I went and saw Bryan @ Sears and decided on the "cheap" $50 electric one as opposed to the $100 gas one. That was a week ago. I went in today since we got paid and the electric one range up @$39 on sale.
There are others, and unbelievers (or those believers that don't really believe in miracles) would say that it's coincidence. I think it is God working.
On my way back from Perkins today I started thinking about God talking. God does not talked verbally to me. I'm not sure why. maybe I could not handle it. Probably the best way to explain it is he gives me an end game and will guide each action by opening and closing doors for me. I went to visit one of my congregation members yesterday. I told her that when I was in the SWT conference and started working on this ministry process, doors were closed everywhere and I hit way too many roadblocks....I even started wondering if this was what God wanted.
Then we moved to Hutto in the Central Tx conference and all the doors opened and the lights flashed and it all fell into place. Sometimes he is walking beside me....Sometimes he is carrying me....Jesus is always with me.

-Pastor Sean


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