Wednesday, June 28, 2006

dial up access

Man I am going crazy. Well I think Brandy is going even more crazy than I am. Since moving 2 weeks ago we still don't have broadband. we are a mile outside of Waxahachie and don't have access to cable, can't get DSL, I have trees all around my house and am having problems getting wireless. I have one more wireless company to try and then it's satellite. I've heard good and bad on satellite so not sure. One bad is the up front cost.
We were so spoiled living near Austin. I walked into the Waxahachie library the other day with my laptop and asked how to get on wireless. They looked at me like I was crazy (or from another planet). I can go to Whataburger and get wireless and i can go wireless @ the oilchange place, but not at the library. What's up with that.
I really love this church. they are searching for growth and ready for the changes. I told Brandy that those people who say don't change anything for the first year were wrong here. I'm looking at a contemporary service, youth group, strong men's ministry. I know i will have help with the first and last. the middle I'm worried about. Need some strong prayer on that.
I will write more soon. Need to do some visiting and work on the sermon. Here are the scriptures I'm looking at right now.

Wisdom of Solomon 1:13-2:24
Psalm 130 or 30
2 Corinthians 8: 7-15
mark 5: 21-43


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear all is going well. My family and I will soon be on dial up as well since we are building a house in the country.

If you didnt look into it check out wild blue for wireless access.

Well have a fun and safe 4th weekend.

The Pastor said...

thanks Chris. Your right. The guy from Open Range came by today. We tried a tall pole on topo of the house. it would not work. And looking at the church, that's not going to work either unless we get on the very top (not likely). If this other wireless company does not come thru tomorrow, WildBlue is getting a call from me. I've heard good and bad on satellite so we will see. The bad is the $300 upfront cost. Pray that it all works out :o)


Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.